Our Accreditations

ISO 9001
The International Standard for Quality Management Systems.
Our internal Quality Management Systems are fully accredited to ISO 9001:2015.
- Ensures we provide a higher quality of products and services through effective quality management processes.
- Streamlines operational procedures, reducing waste and optimizing resource utilisation.
- Focuses on meeting our customer requirements and enhancing their satisfaction.
- Involves employees in our process improvements, leading to increased engagement and productivity.
- Provides a framework for consistent performance and service delivery across the business.

ISO 14001
The International Standard for Environmental Management Systems.
Our Environmental Management Systems are fully accredited to ISO 14001: 2015.
Environmental and sustainability issues will be integrated into every proposal, balanced against budgetary requirements and suitability of use. Those products with the highest possible environmental standards will always be used, budget and purpose allowing.
- The use of environmentally friendly production methods and materials.
- Reduction in consumption of energy and other resources.
- Recycling of consumables.
- Employment of environmentally compliant suppliers.
- The ability of our product components to be recycled at the end of their useful life.

We're proudly Planetmark Certified as part of our commitment to reducing our operational carbon footprint on the environment and our continued journey towards NetZero.
This year’s footprint includes emissions from electricity, t&d losses, natural gas, water, waste and paper.
The first year of certification to The Planet Mark is based on our commitment to continuous improvement in sustainability in our business operations by measuring and reducing its carbon footprint.
Our measured location-based carbon footprint in the year ending October 2023 was 36.9 tCO2e. The carbon footprint per turnover was 3.6 tCO2e and the carbon footprint per employee was 1.2 tCO2e. Scope 1 emissions (natural gas) account for 2.2%, location-based scope 2 emissions (electricity) account for 69.8% and scope 3 emissions (transmission and distribution losses, water, paper, waste) account for 28.0%.
Hunts Office Furniture & Interiors's measured market-based carbon footprint in the year ending October 2023 was 21.9 tCO2e. Our choice for Business electricity is Zero Carbon Energy, which has resulted in lower market-based emissions.

We're a member of the SafeContractor scheme.
This flagship scheme is used by some of the UK’s largest corporations to manage health and safety risks when employing contractors.

We're a member of The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS).
SSIP accreditation is recognised universally across our industry and is the largest, fastest-growing Health and Safety assessment scheme in the UK.

We're members of the Furniture Industry Research Association.
We're proud to play our part in supporting FIRA's research efforts and continuous improvement in the industry.
The Furniture Industry Research Association is an independent organisation committed to raising standards within our industry and work across all sectors of the supply chain to achieve this.

The Furniture Industry Sustainability Programme is an independent sustainability certification designed specifically for the furniture industry.
We're regularly audited by FISP and meet their high standards for accreditation and certification.