A flexible office space, well suited to a company renowned for delivering flexible modular solutions.

High Holborn, London
3200 sq ft
For a company determined to provide comprehensive modular solutions, having a stylish yet functional workplace is vital for demonstrating the value that Algeco can offer their clients and conveying a strong brand image.
When Algeco made the decision to relocate their head office, they enlisted the expertise of Hunts having been impressed by the team on previous projects.
Hunts reviewed the brief closely and delivered on Algeco’s desire for a modern space that caters to employees’ needs, supports a hybrid working culture and reflects the professional corporate image that directors want to portray.
Adaptability was crucial as the team had to rethink their plans after encountering technical challenges on the project. The way the office had been constructed meant that certain areas had to be modified to satisfy both Algeco and their landlord, whilst maintaining clear design intent.
Having overcome these hurdles, the result is an engaging workspace that places an emphasis on functionality but also adds a warmth that was missing from the old Algeco office.